Address: Torre del Castellano
50066 Località Leccio
Reggello - Firenze
P.Iva: 04809400486
Tel./Fax + 39 055 863300
+39 055 473308
Cell. +39 333 2015317

 Wine VIN SANTO del Chianti D.O.C. Torre del Castellano  1998
 (Malvasia 92%, Trebbiano 8%)

After harvesting the best ripe and healthy Trebbiano and Malvasia grapes we place the monto reed mats where they lay to dry up for approximately five months. Afterwards they are pressed and the must is placet into 80/100 liters barrels to mature for six years.

Our Vin Santo is amber coloured with a fragrante of raisin, oak and liquorice.



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